Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Név Nélkül Memorandum. Coetus Theologorum, 11th of July 2023 Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Kocsev Miklós The Authenticity of the Servants of the Church as a Requirement and as a Continuous Challenge Nonetheless Református Szemle 115.5 (2022)
Ambrus Mózes Training ministers in the Reformed Church District of Southern Transylvania Református Szemle 114.6 (2021)
Balogh Csaba The Present and Future of Education for Ministry Discussions with Reformed Church Leaders Református Szemle 114.5 (2021)
Buzogány Dezső The election, training and ordination of ministers Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Biró István Students’ theses in church history at the Faculty of Theology in Cluj-Napoca between 1898 and 1944 Református Szemle 114.3 (2021)
Balogh Csaba Consultation and Evaluation Workshop with the Representatives of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania about the Theological Training and Curriculum Református Szemle 113.5 (2020)
Simon János Jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin during the Roman Rule Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Kolumbán Judit (The Opening of the Theological Faculty of the Transylvanian Reformed Church District in the Light of the Erdélyi Híradó (Transylvanian News) Newspaper Református Szemle 111.6 (2018)
Rácz Emese Some Additional Data on the Cluj versus Aiud Debate) Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)
Ősz Sándor Előd Insights from the Students’ Enrolment Register of the Reformed Theological Faculty of Cluj-Napoca (1895–1948) Református Szemle 111.4 (2018)
Balogh Csaba The New Internship Program and a Meeting with the Mentors Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Kurta József Tibor A Reformed diploma for ministry from 1702 Református Szemle 107.6 (2014)
Adorjáni Zoltán Shaping the Future by Training Pastors Református Szemle 107.1 (2014)