Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Éles Éva “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…” A Homiletical Preparation of 2 Corinthians 8,7–9 Református Szemle 116.5 (2023)
Jónás Norbert Ferenc The Proselytes, or Conversion to Judaism Református Szemle 116.2 (2023)
Nagy József Col 3:11 in the Light of the Baptismal Formulas and Col 3:5–17 Református Szemle 115.5 (2022)
Mezey Mónika The Seat of Scoffers Psalm 1:1 and the Spectacles in the Rabbinic Literature and Tertullian’s tractate, De spectaculis Református Szemle 115.2 (2022)
Máthé-Farkas Zoltán An Analysis of Job 17:25–27 in the Context of Verses 17–27 Református Szemle 115.1 (2022)
Steiner József The faith-popularising activity of Judaism as a non-missional religion in the New Testament era Református Szemle 114.1 (2021)
Bekő István Márton A Reception-critical Analysis of Mark 6:34–44 Református Szemle 113.4 (2020)
Józsa Bertalan Metaphorical Creativity in the Gospel of John A linguistic Analysis of the “Living Bread” Metaphor Református Szemle 113.4 (2020)
Simon János Jurisdiction of the Sanhedrin during the Roman Rule Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Bagosi József The Cemeteries of Berettyószéplak (Suplacu de Barcău) Református Szemle 112.2 (2019)
Máthé-Farkas Zoltán Palm, Sand, or Phoenix? Problems in Interpreting Job 29,18b Református Szemle 112.2 (2019)
Enghy Sándor The Background and Message of the Grammatical Solutions of Lk 24:31 and 2 Tim 4:17 Református Szemle 112.1 (2019)
Bustya Dezső The elected one and the rejected one The narrative of Jephthah of Gilead (Judges 11:1–11.29–40) Református Szemle 112.6 (2019)
Bekő István Márton Mark 4:35–41: A Reception-Critical Analysis Református Szemle 111.4 (2018)
Erős Joó Béla Judge Not According to the Appearance, But Judge Righteous Judgment (John 7,24) Református Szemle 111.3 (2018)
Kustár Zoltán The Necessity and Implementation of Scholarly Exegesis Református Szemle 109.5 (2016)
Adorjáni Zoltán Notes on the Title of Philo’s “De vita contemplativa” Református Szemle 108.4 (2015)
Máthé-Farkas Zoltán Metaphor or Not Metaphor? Assumptions Concerning the Semantics of the Joban Salvation-Metaphors Református Szemle 108.1 (2015)
Ledán M. István Is there Need for Anti-Semitism in the (Hungarian Reformed) Church? Református Szemle 107.5 (2014)