Journal index

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Contributor Title Issue
Balogh Csaba After Ten Years, the Coetus Theologorum Gathered Again in Illyefalva (Ilieni) Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The 2022-2023 Academic Year Was Officially Closed Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The Graduation Ceremony of the Academic Year 2022–2023 at the Protestant Theological Institute Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba Knowledge next to faith... Református Szemle 116.3 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The Academic Year 2023–2024 Has Started Református Szemle 116.6 (2023)
Balogh Csaba The Awarded Recipients of the 26th Scientific Conference of the Students of Transylvania Református Szemle 116.3 (2023)
Balogh Csaba Dhc. Dr. Zsolt Kozma Has Passed Away Református Szemle 116.4 (2023)
Balogh Csaba Students of the Protestant Theological Institute on the 36th National Scientific Student Conference Református Szemle 116.2 (2023)
Balogh Csaba Adorjáni Has Received the Gáspár Károli Prize Református Szemle 115.6 (2022)
Balogh Csaba Opening the Academic Year 2022–2023 in the Protestant Theological Institute of Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 115.5 (2022)
Balogh Csaba Béla Sándor Visky is Gold Ring Doctor of Theology Református Szemle 115.4 (2022)
Balogh Csaba Closing the Academic Year at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 115.4 (2022)
Balogh Csaba Enchanted by the Writing(s) Református Szemle 115.2 (2022)
Balogh Csaba The Present and Future of Education for Ministry Discussions with Reformed Church Leaders Református Szemle 114.5 (2021)
Balogh Csaba Closing the Academic Year at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 114.4 (2021)
Herczeg Pál Baptism in the Gospel of Mark and Matthew Református Szemle 113.2 (2020)
Herczeg Pál Baptism in the Letter to the Colossians (2:8–15) Református Szemle 113.1 (2020)
Balogh Csaba Consultation and Evaluation Workshop with the Representatives of the Reformed Church District of Transylvania about the Theological Training and Curriculum Református Szemle 113.5 (2020)
Balogh Csaba Conference on the Septuagint in the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 113.1 (2020)
Balogh Csaba Debates on the borders of theology. The third talent management day at the Protestant Theological Institute Református Szemle 112.2 (2019)
Balogh Csaba An Evaluation of the Academic Year Református Szemle 112.4 (2019)
Balogh Csaba Professor Elek Rezi at 65 Református Szemle 112.6 (2019)
Balogh Csaba The Meeting of Dutch Alumni of the Protestant Theological Institute and Hungarian Alumni of Dutch Theological Universities Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)
Balogh Csaba Closing the Academic Year 2017–2018 at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 111.4 (2018)
Herczeg Pál On Baptism (1Pt 5:18–22 and 4:6) Református Szemle 111.5 (2018)
Balogh Csaba Inauguration of the László Ravasz Research Institute for Practical Theology Református Szemle 110.3 (2017)
Balogh Csaba Dr. Dezső Buzogány has Received the Doctor Honoris Causa Title Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Balogh Csaba I have Read a Good Book. Discussions about Current Theology Református Szemle 110.3 (2017)
Balogh Csaba The Annual Meeting of the Theological Professors of the Roman Catholic Faculty of Theology of Alba Iulia and the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Balogh Csaba The New Internship Program and a Meeting with the Mentors Református Szemle 110.6 (2017)
Balogh Csaba Reformation – Ideas, Values, Expectations. A Conference Organised by the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca on the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation Református Szemle 110.5 (2017)
Balogh Csaba Life After Death and Resurrection in the Old Testament and the Christian Hermeneutics Református Szemle 110.5 (2017)
Balogh Csaba A Symposium on Talent Management in the Protestant Theological Institute. 25 October 2016 Református Szemle 109.6 (2016)
Balogh Csaba A Twofold Book Presentation: Zsolt Kozma: An Index to the Periodical Reformed Review (Református Szemle) and An Index to the Hungarian Reformed Hymnbook Református Szemle 109.3 (2016)
Balogh Csaba A Conference on Talent Management in the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 109.3 (2016)
Balogh Csaba The 6th Symposium of Transylvanian PhD Students Református Szemle 109.2 (2016)
Balogh Csaba A Report on the Openly Defended PhD Thesis of Edit Somfalvi Református Szemle 109.1 (2016)
Balogh Csaba Denominational Theology, Universal Scholarship. Symposium on the Occasion of the 120th Anniversary of the Building of the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj-Napoca Református Szemle 108.6 (2015)